With event/wedding content creators on the rise in 2024 deciding whether you need both a videographer and a content creator for your event can be tricky. Should you have both is it an insult to the videographer? Can my videographer just shoot some content for me? So many questions and we’ve got the answers.

First we need to break down the difference between the two.


Content Creator:

There are a few ways to approach this. The first being budget. If you only have the budget for one or the other you need to decide which style you prefer. Are you on social media every day and is this style very important to you? Or would you rather have a long lasting professional video of your day to watch back each anniversary?

Secondly long-term vs short-term. Think of the videographer as a long term fulfilment, it may take longer to edit but you will likely get more return over the years seeing the moments you enjoyed. We want things fast and now in 2024 so having the content creator for the 24 hour turn around might seem appealing but for the amount for views and likes in the immediate return is what your paying worth it? Some people will say yes, others no, it comes down to what’s important to you.

Thirdly, do you need both? If you can afford both they do operate and cover different styles so it can be nice to capture the different aspects. The reason content creators exist is that they film the natural, behind the scenes style that the social algorithms favour – you can wait 4-6 weeks for your video edit and post this but it likely won’t perform as well.

Whatever you decide, be sure you choose what it right for you, and it’s always a good idea to book your videographer/photographer first and have a zoom call with your content creator and team to ensure they understand not to get in the way of the videographer and everyone can work together seamlessly to produce the best content for you.

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